Invasive Plant Networks in CALeDNA Data
June 10, 2020. Rachel Meyer gave a presentation about invasive plant networks for the California Invasive Plant Council’s Invasive Lunch Week.
CALeDNA: Successes and Challenges
January 29, 2020. Rachel Meyer gave a presentation about CALeDNA for the Environmental DNA Symposium at UC Davis.
CALeDNA: Give a Tube, Get an Ecosystem
February 19, 2019. Rachel Meyer gave a presentation about CALeDNA for USGS.
View the presentation. (starts at the 1:00:30 mark)
CALeDNA: Give a Tube, Get an Ecosystem
January 31, 2019. Rachel Meyer gave a presentation about CALeDNA for the California Water Boards SWAMP-OIMA Brownbag Seminar Series.